Reed road trip 4/27/2024
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Adventures with CC

Photos for adventures with CC

Reed road trip 4/27/2024
Reed road trip 4/27/2024

Reed and I took a road trip to the mountains to see the Walhalla Fish Hatchery and Whitewater falls.  I can't count the times I have been to the Fish Hatchery. I can recall it as quite the place to be on a hot summer day for a picnic in the shelter or tables along the trail. 


First you have to see the all the trout in the tanks, from fingerlings to brood stock.

 Then you need to feed the fish.. 

Video of Reed at the hatchery and feeding the fish

Walk the East Fork trail. 

Reed on the stumps of the huge trees that use to line the trail. 

After all that excitment Reed announces that it is snack time..  So he decided that we needed to eat in the big shelter with the fireplace.

One of my favorite places as a kid and even now. I love these CCC build picnic shelters. 

What is the next adventure ?  Well, Reed we need to go see the waterfall so into the truck and on the road.  Wow, I understand the importance of  kids 'tablets' when driving any distance.  

We started walking to the falls and I could not believe what we saw in the field on the way. 

Yes, that is an armidillo !  In the mountains, at Whitewater Falls. There were about 4 young ones just grazing in the field.  I knew they were in SC but didn't realize they were in the mountains. 

Armidillos at Whitewater Falls.

Whitewatter falls. 

The Glennville Rescue crew was at the falls practicing mountain rescues. 

Funny, once we got to the truck Reed determined it was snack time again, so we setup on the truck tailgate. 

Reed then asked what the next adventure would be. So we were in the truck and on the road again.. 


What is an adventure without ICE CREAM? We stopped at the ice cream shop in Six Mile, Scoops. Reed was 100% into chocolate,, it was moose tracks for me.  Then I heard a very familiar sound from the back of the shop. I know that sound, that is PacMan!  

Reed and PacMan
After prying Reed away from PacMan (ok, yes, I played one game) we were on the road again. Reed said that we needed to find a playground. So we head to Clemson and Nettles Park.  I can't believe we spent over and hour there with him climbing, running, and sliding. 

I love how the static from the plastic makes the hair stand up!

This is MY playground. 

Good rock climbing form. I think he finally got tired at the playground and we headed back to Compass Point (lake house).  There was another fast snack of left over popcorn from last night while I grilled pork chops, sweet potatoes  and Teri handled the lima beans. Reed liked the 'chicken' , ha ha ha .   He was starting to get heavy eyes while eating so Teri put him in the tub and shortly after bed time.  Mission accomplished, one tired boy. 

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